Oliver Belisle is my friend and creator of "The Outsider's Perspective" channel.
The Outsider's Perspective: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGHWqdR3YCSwOeJFlHO0Y5w
Marco Masi is an author, teacher and classically trained physicist (Ph.D) whose philosophy blends the spiritual and scientific worldviews into an integral understanding of...
@Brent Spirit is a spiritual guide, writer and host of "The Spiritual Awakening" show. https://www.brentspirit.com/ https://www.instagram.com/brentspirit/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh-R5Qg-p5ZU0b7SjgCISjQ/featured
Chris is the creator of the "Stop Suffering School" where he empowers friends, students and clients to stop choosing suffering and choose Inner peace,...