Dhammarato is a Therevada monastic in the Thai Forest tradition who studied under Ajahn Buddhadasa. He offers free Skype calls to his friends/followers all over the world and publishes them on his YouTube channel @Dhammarato Dhamma
Dhammarato: https://www.youtube.com/c/DhammaratoDhamma/
Dr James Cooke is an Oxford educated neuroscientist exploring a scientific spirituality for individual & collective liberation. Sites: https://www.innerspaceinstitute.org/ https://www.drjamescooke.com/ X: https://x.com/drjamescooke/ Gram: https://x.com/drjamescooke/...
Saja helps guide others to find unconditional happiness. YOUTUBE: @sajafendel SKOOL: https://www.skool.com/thethoughtdojo/about
Kornelije is the creator of the Infinite Love Meditation Club where he guides others to essence of Infinite Love, and The True Self.