Dhammarato is a Therevada monastic in the Thai Forest tradition who studied under Ajahn Buddhadasa. He offers free Skype calls to his friends/followers all over the world and publishes them on his YouTube channel @Dhammarato Dhamma
Dhammarato: https://www.youtube.com/c/DhammaratoDhamma/
Jessica is the creator or "The Glorious Both/And" which serves as a platform for healthy integration of profound realization(s). SITE: https://www.thegloriousbothand.com/ YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO7f9wT_0yVC5socn40Cg2w
Danielle is a business strategist, intuition coach, and true life activator - as she shares perspectives on how to integrate your fullest self in...
James is an author, public speaker and host of the @Adventures Through The Mind podcast. He aims to "build an accessible language for the...