Dhammarato is a Therevada monastic in the Thai Forest tradition who studied under Ajahn Buddhadasa. He offers free Skype calls to his friends/followers all over the world and publishes them on his YouTube channel @Dhammarato Dhamma
Dhammarato: https://www.youtube.com/c/DhammaratoDhamma/
In August of 2020 Thomas Hartle became the first Canadian citizen (and possibly the world) to be administered Psilocybin therapy with clearance from the...
Chris Niebauer PhD is a cognitive neuropsychologist and author. His view is that Neuropsychology is starting to align with the core concepts of Buddhism...
@Indra Ali is a spiritual teacher/mentor that guides individuals to the realization of their own self-mastery. Indra Ali: https://indraali.com/ https://www.youtube.com/c/SAliMyers/ https://www.instagram.com/indra.ali9/