@Find the Others | Tyler Saucier is a musician, Psychonaut, Youtuber and great dude.
Tyler: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUQZzzQh-VScJpIB8Gk3i2A/
Part 1: https://youtu.be/PQ427fNlUiQ
Ananta Kranti helps others to recognize, integrate, and embody their True Self both on a human and highly Spiritual level. SITE: https://www.ananta-kranti.com/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/KrantiAnanta/...
Dr. William (Bill) Richards is a psychologist at John Hopkins University where he studies psilocybin and its effect on our psyche. He has conducted...
Bhante Joe is the creator of Dhamma Vinaya Patipada where he produces insightful dhamma talks and teachings for anyone on The Path. Bhante's Links:...