Julien is a friend of mine and very knowledgeable when it comes to dhamma. He runs a virtual sangha called "The Alternative Path" that serves as a platform for spiritual connection and discourse with many like-minded individuals.
For anyone interested in The Alternative Path: https://discord.gg/HJBeujXdBg
Akilesh is an author, teacher, seeker and creator of 'Sifting to the Truth". https://www.siftingtothetruth.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOZ8xbfVHdLf6nX3xQSntfw
Martin is an author, musician, artist and host of the podcast "Entheogenic Evolution." He believes that 5-MeO-DMT is a powerful gateway to unitary consciousness....
Peter is the creator of Full Spectrum Performance whose goal is to "Empower, Guide and Empower" people to become the best version of themselves....